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AVIVA logo of a stylized lotus flower next to elegant type reading AVIVA WO/MAN It's time to feel like you again

PRP Hair Restoration

With PRP, hair loss has found a new rival

A man with graying beard examines his receding hair line in the mirror and considers hair restoration
Gloved hands inject platelet-rich-plasma into a woman's hairline for hair restoration
Gloved hands inject a male's hairline with PRP for men's hair restoration

Start feeling like yourself again.

As we age, men and women alike experience hair thinning and hair loss. This can lead to a loss of identity, embarrassment, and deep lack of confidence in your appearance.

PRP Hair Restoration is a non-surgical therapy process designed to stimulate natural hair growth through injections of your very own platelet-rich plasma.

Hiding your hair loss is yesterday’s solution. PRP Hair Restoration provides a better way.

Concerns of those seeking PRP hair restoration:

  • Hair thinning
  • Hair loss
  • Receding hair line

PRP hair restoration can give you:

  • Stimulated natural hair growth

How does PRP hair restoration work?

It all starts with a single consultation, where we will define your goals, clear your expectations, and ease your nerves.

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We start by asking lots of questions

We never assume we have the answers about YOUR body. During your free consultation session, we simply listen to how you’re feeling, and then, we search for solutions.
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We schedule your appointment

There is no required prep and the appointment is fast and straightforward.
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We provide safe, comfortable treatment

For this 5-minute procedure, we apply topical numbing cream and local anesthetic as needed in a completely private setting.
Cupped open hands with a small bloom coming out of them

We empower you to feel better

Once your treatment is over, you can work with our team to implement next steps, or you can partner with another provider. We’re here to help as much (or as little) as needed.

“Every treatment I have received at Aviva Woman, medical and aesthetic, has surpassed my expectations and been more than I hoped for. Everything about this jewel of an office is more…more smiles, more caring, more spot on information concerning health and beauty. And amazingly, they just continue to get better and give more.”

–Kathy Selland
View Hair Restoration Pricing

PRP Hair Restoration
Single Session…$650
Series of 3 Treatments (Recommended)…$1800

Still wondering if PRP hair restoration is right for you?

No question is off limits at AVIVA WO/MAN

PRP Hair Restoration FAQs

How do hair injections work?
This is an injection procedure where our expert provider draws your blood and spins it very specifically in a centrifuge to extract the healing factors from your blood and immediately inject them back into your skin and tissue.

As the cells grow, the skin thickens, new vessels are formed and the entire area treated is replenished and revitalized.

These hair injections use PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy. The localized injections of PRP signals to surrounding cells to repair damaged tissue and regenerate new tissue.

What can I expect during my visit?
During your 30-minute appointment, your blood will be drawn and processed, after which the injections will be performed.

The injections take about 5 minutes and the procedure is complete.

I’m not sure if this is the right thing for me. How do I know?
Hair injections can be helpful for adults of all ages struggling with hair thinning and hair loss. We encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns to determine if this treatment is right for you.
How much do the PRP hair injections cost?

You can view our PRP hair restoration specific fee schedule above.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for this procedure?
No, you do not need to do anything specific to prepare. Prior to your visit, you will complete a health history form and consent forms online, so you are ready for your appointment day.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically, a series of 3 treatments is recommended. A treatment protocol is customized according to the present condition of your hair and how your hair responds to the initial treatment. AVIVA Providers take the time to establish a relationship and history with you so we can best create a protocol to fit your unique needs.

In between each appointment, we allow enough time for the PRP to do its job before scheduling your next appointment. This typically takes 6-8 weeks in between the first and second appointment and 8-10 weeks in between the second and third appointment.

How long does the procedure take?
When you arrive, a member of our team will take you to the treatment room where the blood is drawn, processed, and the injection is performed. The entire process will take roughly 30 minutes, with the injections only taking about 5 minutes.
Will I experience any pain during the treatment?
Any injection might feel like being pinched or slight stinging. If you’re nervous about the sensation, we use a complimentary topical numbing cream.
When will I see results?
Results do take some time to notice. Therefore, maximum results are seen a few months after your treatments.
How much down time should I expect?
There is absolutely no down time. You can resume all normal activities the very same day.

Clinic FAQs

Should I tip my aesthetician or medical practitioner?

Nope! The best tip you can offer us is your repeat business.

Do you accept insurance or HSAs?

We do not work with any insurance group.
However, we do accept HSA and FSA Cards for covered health services (mostly services that aren’t cosmetic but check with your plan first!)

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash and all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Do I need to schedule an in-office visit or do you offer virtual visits?

Depending on the service, we can do both.

We are happy to invite you to our office located in Millcreek, UT for your initial consultation OR we can schedule a virtual visit.

Certain services are available virtually, and some follow ups can be conducted virtually as well.

Discover how to feel and live better – on your own terms